Wednesday Jan. 15 - Executive Committee Meeting 1900 Hrs.
Berks Fire Training Center
Saturday February 8th - General Membership Meeting 1400 Hrs.
West Reading Fire Department
223 Playground Dr. West Reading, PA 19611
Monday Mar. 17th - Executive Committee Meeting 1900 Hrs.
Saturday April 12th - General Membership Meeting 1400 Hrs.
Zone 4 Location TBA
Monday May 19th - Executive Committee Meeting 1900 Hrs.
Friday June 13th - General Membership Meeting 1930 Hrs.
Zone 5 Location TBA
Monday Jul. 21st - Executive Committee Meeting 1900 Hrs.
Friday Aug. 8th - General Membership Meeting 1930 Hrs.
Zone 6 Location TBA
Monday Sept. 15th - Executive Committee Meeting 1900 Hrs.
Friday Oct. 10th - General Membership Meeting & Nomination of Officers 1930 Hrs
Zone 1 Location TBA
Monday Nov. 17th - Executive Committee Meeting 1900 Hrs.
Saturday Dec. 13th - General Membership Meeting & Elections 1400 Hrs.
Zone 2 Location TBA
All Executive Meetings are held at the Reading Berks Fire Training Center, 895 Morgantown Rd. Reading PA 19607
PLEASE NOTE: Executive Committee Meetings are open to all elected Association Officers, Directors and Committee Members. Should another member need to attend an Executive Committee Meeting, please contact the President to be placed on the agenda.